Musician, programmer, game designer, and professional dumbass.



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My Top 10 Songs of September

Posted by GrapheneKid - 1 hour ago

So ever since Newgrounds rolled out the Music category for monthly votes, I've been making a point to try and pick my favorites each time I get called up to vote. There were a lot of bangers for September, so it was really hard to narrow it down, but here's my picks:

1. electroCUTEd! by @GlitchCatMusic

  • The sheer energy and headbangability of this song is absolutely insurmountable. You can't not dance in your seat. Nice variety, love the change of tempo midway in, just...love love love this song.

2. BAD NUMBER! (with disphing) by @Tangermusic

  • Another good high-energy song, reminds me of some real good pop-punk songs where you have this contrast of fake-optimistic instrumentation with catchy downer lyrics. Such a good clean mix.

3. Stay Funky feat. Lotus Juice by @KawaiSprite

  • I couldn't not choose a KawaiSprite song, dude really proved himself with the FNF soundtrack. The beat revels in its simplicity, evocative of old school hip hop. The vocal feature goes so relentlessly hard. A banger through and through.

4. Overclocked Chip [NGADM + NGUAC 2024] by @NatahDN

  • You can tell the artist was having so much fun experimenting when they made this song. Very fun and well-paced, reminds me of prime Skrillex with the bitcrushed wobble bass and the stutter FX. A fun track to listen to for sure.

5. Conductor - NGADM Round 2 & NGUAC Finals! by @GameBoyFireworks

  • This song is what I call "ear candy," mainly because of all the little clicks and various melodies and samples that float around you. The song could use a bit of a stronger climax but the progression is great at keeping you hooked and the mix feels so tight.

6. i want you near me <3 by @ValerianWitch

  • Another exercise in simplicity, this song showcases the synergy between a wonderfully-programmed synth ensemble and a heartfelt guitar progression. The synths really sing here, and the guitar adds a wonderful empowering energy to the mix without tilting the scales into machismo territory. It may not share the same type of energy as the songs above it but it has a power all its own.

7. Hartebeest by @Yaelokre

  • European folk music is likely a sparsely-populated genre on Newgrounds, but man, the mandolins on this song grab onto you and whisk you off into the sky. The vocals demonstrate superb range, flowing effortlessly between strong solo delivery and silky, enchanting harmonies. This song will not let you go.

8. Why We're Here by @Thingerthing

  • This song is a buffet of good stuff. A little bit of fusion, a little bit of freeform, a little bit of cybercore, a little bit of chiptune, a little bit of alternative rock. It picks from so many different places yet manages to not feel weighted down during the listening experience. The percussion is a whirlwind that sweeps you off your feet without dizzying you.

9. Last in Line by @Ajtastic

  • Oddly nostalgic. I never really listened to this style of rock growing up but the lyrical content is thoughtful and delivered with such elegant sincerity. The guitar work is excellent; you can feel each individual strum in your ears. A sense of existential urgency and fundamental call to action pervades the entire song.

10. Bounce Dat! by @ThatAndyGuy

  • Infectious rhythm and a balanced of self-aware coolness and playfulness. This is a solid beat. The song gives itself enough room to experiment without overstaying its welcome. Like a delicious communal stew, it returns from each little "excursion" with something new to add to the core of the song.

I've put together a playlist of the songs here. Be sure to rate and comment on the songs' pages! Let the artists know what you think!




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